
Mistakes of Significance

Nathan (Nat) Goodman June 12, 2019

A collection of R scripts and documents exploring mistakes made by significance testing. The content at present are


Installation and Usage

The software is not a package and cannot be installed by devtools::install_github or related. Sorry. The simplest way to get the software is to download or clone the entire repo.

The code mostly uses base R capabilities but has a few dependencies: RColorBrewer, akima, knitr, and pryr. Since it’s not a package, you have to manually install these packages if you don’t already have them.

The recommended way to run the program is to source the file R/run.R into your R session; R/run.R will source the rest. Once loaded, you can run the program by executing the statement run() as shown below.

## This code block assumes your working directory is the root of the distribution


This runs the program in a demo-like mode that quickly generates the data and produces the figures and table that appear in this README document. The default computation runs three kinds of simulations totaling 47,000 instances, generates 10 other small data files, and produces 8 figures and one table. The data generation takes about 11 seconds on my small Linux server; the figures and table take about 20 seconds, much of which is spent rendering the plots over a remote X11 connection.

The code that generates the data is in R/dat_readme.R; the code that creates the figures and table is in R/doc_readme.R.

You can run each part separately by running one or more of the statements below.

## This code block assumes your working directory is the root of the distribution
## and you've already sourced R/run.R into your session

init(doc='readme');          # you MUST specify doc to run the program in pieces
dodat();                     # generate data
dodoc();                     # generate figures and tables
dodoc(save.out=F);           # generate figures and tables without saving them
dodoc(figscreen=F);          # generate and save figures without plotting to screen. much faster!

The program can also generate the data and outputs for the documents associated with the project. To generate these, execute run() with a suitable doc argument as shown below.

## This code block assumes your working directory is the root of the distribution.

run(doc='ovrfx');            # run code for blog post on significant effect size inflation

The doc arguments for each document are

document doc argument
When You Select Significant Findings, You’re Selecting Inflated Estimates ovrfx
Your P-Values are Too Small! And So Are Your Confidence Intervals! ovrht
README readme
Supplementary Material for README readmesupp
supplementary material for blog posts TBD TBD


in code in text meaning
n n sample size
d.pop dpop population effect size
d.sdz dsdz standardized observed effect size, aka Cohen's d
d.het dhet mean of heterogeneous population distribution
sd.het sdhet standard deviation of heterogeneous population distribution
d d variously means either dpop, dsdz, or dhet; hopefully clear from context
meand.simu meandsimu mean significant observed effect size computed from simulated data
meand.theo meandtheo mean significant observed effect size computed analytically
pval.simu pvalsimu p-value computed from simulated data
pval.theo pvaltheo p-value computed analytically

The program performs three types of simulations.

  1. fixd. Fixes dpop to a few values of interest, sets n to a range of values, and simulates many studies for each dpop and n.
  2. rand. Randomly selects a large number of dpops, sets n to a range of values, and simulates one study for each dpop and n.
  3. hetd. Sets dhet and sd**h**e**t* to a few values of interest, and selects a large number of *d**p**o**p*s from normal distributions with mean *d**h**e**t* and standard deviation *sdhet. Then sets n to a range of values, and simulates one study for each dpop and n.

The program implements two data generation models:

  1. fixed effect (fix) which imagines we’re repeating a study an infinite number of times, drawing a different sample each time from a population with a fixed true effect size
  2. heterogeneous effect (het) which assumes that each time we do the study, we’re sampling from a different population with a different true effect size

Figures and Tables

The default mode produces figures that illustrate the kinds of graphs the program can produce.

  1. d vs. d scatter plot colored by p-value; by default dpop vs. dsdz
  2. histogram typically of dsdz colored by p-value
  3. probability distribution vs. dsdz colored by p-value; can compute probability density or cumulative probability internally, or you can pass the distribution into the function
  4. multiple line plot; my adaptation of R’s matplot

The first figure shows a d vs. d scatter plot of rand simulated data for n = 20. The second uses the same data but zooms in to the critical region where p-values switch from nonsignificant to significant.

Next are two histograms of fixd simulated data with different values for dpop and n.

The next two are sampling distributions for the het model with different values for dhet, s**dhet, and n. The first shows probability density, the second cumulative probability.

The final block are line plots. The first shows mean significant observed effect size inflation for the fix model. The second shows p-value inflation for the het model. The first has raw data; the second applies a smoothing function. Both figures depict simulated and analytic results to illustrate the concordance.

Finally, here is a table of supporting data.

what d.crit md20_0.2 md20_0.5 md20_0.8 ov20_0.2 ov20_0.5 ov20_0.8 nov_0.2 nov_0.5 nov_0.8
meand.fixd 0.64 0.81 0.85 0.99 4.04 1.70 1.24 175.57 45.72 18.58
meand.d2t 0.64 0.79 0.86 0.98 3.97 1.72 1.22 166.70 46.64 16.69

Comments Please!

Please post comments on Twitter or Facebook, or contact me by email natg@shore.net.

Please report bugs, other software problems, and feature requests using the GitHub Issue Tracker. I will be notified, and you’ll be apprised of progress. As already noted, the software is still rough and software documentation nonexistent.

Copyright (c) 2019 Nathan Goodman

The software is open source and free, released under the MIT License. The documentation is open access, released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.